Transforming scientific discoveries into biotech innovations
How VIB’s Innovation & Business team and argenx joined forces to tackle respiratory diseases
Science begins with asking questions. How do diseases take hold? Why do certain cells, proteins, and molecules behave the way they do? And—most importantly—can we use that knowledge to improve lives? At VIB, these questions steer our dual purpose: doing excellent life science research and turning this into real-world applications. While our researchers focus on the former, the latter is where our dedicated VIB Innovation & Business (I&B) team steps in. Through partnerships, intellectual property protection, and the creation of spin-offs, they focus on transforming life-changing scientific discoveries into biotech innovations that promote better health and sustainable agriculture.
Today, we’ll share the story of Charcot-Leyden Crystals (CLCs) at the heart of severe respiratory diseases and how the I&B team contributed to a partnership between VIB and biotech company argenx that is charting new territory in respiratory healthcare.
The science: from overlooked crystals to bold possibilities
In the VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research, respiratory diseases such as asthma are a focus of Bart Lambrecht’s team. In the complex biology of asthma, one curious observation stands out: CLCs—tiny structures that lead to airway clogging and worsen inflammation.
“These crystals are made entirely of Galectin-10 (Gal10), a protein that’s normally harmless inside our cells,” Bart Lambrecht explains. “But in patients with severe asthma and other severe respiratory diseases, Gal10 escapes into the airways, crystallizes, and creates sticky mucus plugs.”
The crystals were first described over 150 years ago, but have been largely ignored in modern medicine. Gal10’s stability makes it an especially stubborn target. Could they be dissolved?
“At the time, it seemed impossible,” Bart admits. “But the more we studied the biology, the more we realized that tackling these crystals could lead to better treatments.”

Connecting science to solutions: VIB’s business development
At VIB, turning discovery into application is where the Business Development team comes in. They serve as a bridge between researchers and industry by creating partnerships to advance scientific breakthroughs.
“In Gal10, we saw real potential to address an unmet medical need,” recalls Griet Verhaegen from VIB’s Business Development team. “But we also knew we needed the right partner—someone with expertise in antibody development. That’s when we connected with argenx.”
argenx, a leader in therapeutic antibody discovery, joined forces with VIB to tackle the Gal10 challenge. Together, the teams devised an unconventional approach: they safely generated antibodies in llamas by immunizing them with full-blown crystals.
“Our hunch paid off,” Griet adds. “Not only could the antibodies bind to Gal10, but they dissolved the crystals entirely. Seeing something so stable disappear in front of us was incredible.”
Over the following years, VIB and argenx worked together to optimize the antibody pipeline, developing in vivo models to test the therapy’s potential impact on respiratory diseases.
For this groundbreaking science to reach patients, protecting its intellectual property (IP) became essential. As the research progressed, VIB’s IP team played a key role in securing the Gal10 discoveries, in particular specific antibodies targeting the crystals, guaranteeing that the hard work could be translated into real therapies.
Jan Demolder, from VIB’s IP team, explains:
“Our goal is to protect innovations so they can make the journey from bench to bedside. With Gal10, we co-filed patents with argenx to secure the antibodies and their therapeutic applications. These patents safeguard the discovery and provide a strong foundation for future preclinical and clinical development.”
Shifting gears: strategic gaps and new tools
By 2022, the collaboration evolved. The focus turned to preparing Gal10 for the next stage of development. This is where VIB’s Discovery Sciences team stepped in, working alongside Bart Lambrecht’s lab to address key strategic questions.
Siele Ceupens, from the DS team, explains their role:
“We worked closely with the lab to figure out what data points were still missing. For example, we explored how to administer the antibody systemically instead of locally and used refined tools like a PET tracer to measure its impact. These steps are crucial for moving a therapy closer to the clinic.”
VIB’s New Ventures team also stepped in. They proposed spinning the project out into a dedicated company together with argenx.
Tim Van Acker, lead of the project in the New Ventures team, explains:
“Respiratory diseases represent a massive unmet medical need. By creating a joint venture with argenx, we will expedite the delivery of the antibody to patients . We’re fundraising, building the business case, and working with scientists like Bart Lambrecht to take Gal10 to the next level.”
The Gal10 story illustrates what VIB’s Innovation & Business team does best: connecting visionary science with strategic partnerships to drive real-world impact.
“At VIB, we believe discoveries should go beyond publications,” Tim concludes. “They should change lives. Whether through licensing, patents, or launching new ventures, we work to make sure innovation doesn’t stop in the lab. Gal10 is just one example, but it shows what’s possible when science and innovation work hand-in-hand.”
For Gal10, the work continues. The Gal10 spin-off will focus on demonstrating the antibody is safe for patients and can unclog blocked airways, ultimately delivering a new therapy to patients with severe respiratory diseases.
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India Jane Wise
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